Good Morning Members!
Spring is in the air, which means it is our busy season here at the Chamber! We have recently held our Farmers Luncheon sponsored by Southwest Georgia Farm Credit and SunSouth LLC, which was a great success. We have also resumed our Business After Hours event, this past event being hosted by HoneyBee Clothing Co. We recently sponsored the GA High School Bass Nation Fishing tournament on Lake Seminole a few weeks ago as well. We are nearing the end of our Youth Leadership Program, & the current class will graduate mid April. We’re also working on a few grants for some outdoor projects, so we will keep you all posted on those!
Our biggest project at the moment is the 2023 Boots & Roots Rodeo! The rodeo is April 28-29 at Seminole Industrial Park, 2841 Ash Crossing Road. The Chamber has once again contracted with rodeo champion Justin Thigpen of T – T Rodeo Company that will feature Calf Roping, Steer Wrestling. Saddle Bronc Riding, Barrel Racing. Team Roping, Bull Riding, Bareback Riding, Calf Scramble, Cowgirl Breakaway Roping, Diamond Dash, and Clowns. New to the event this year is pony rides & a petting zoo sponsored by First Port City Bank!
Tickets are on sale now in advance for $12 for ages 13+, $8 for ages 6-12, 5 & under get in free. Gate prices are $15 and $10. You can purchase tickets at the Chamber, First Port City Bank Donalsonville/Bainbridge and the Donalsonville News.
Feel free to call us at the Chamber if you have any questions about any events we’ve got going on. We can’t wait for the events to come!

Last modified: March 7, 2023